Escape from Tokyo

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  Things to do on a Beach at Night... (Entered Sep. 15, 2008)
    Great Escapes...  

This long weekend I headed down to Shimoda for my fourth time for some much needed R & R with Mike, Jason and Aya. Unfortunately it was our fate to be punished mercilessly this time around, not by the weather gods who always seem to smile on our Izu trips, but by the evil Gods of traffic. The traffic gods always like to mess around with us a little, but this time in a fit of spite they decided that they hated us and decreed that our drive down would last 8 long hours...
You win traffic gods. Henceforth I will never again head to Shimoda by car, unless it's in the middle of the night when only the sleepless, the reckless or the truly desperate drive. Or perhaps I'll go by train? However somehow I think this might be my last time to go to the Izu Peninsula.
Arriving around 5pm, we only had like an hour of sunshine to enjoy the beach. Could this trip somehow be saved? Once again we slept in our tents on the beach, and having nothing better to do in the evening we started messing around with our cameras, trying to take night pictures and experimenting with long exposures. Keep in mind that it's about 10pm right now, and the only light available was from the moon.

izu shimoda light painting


It wasn't long before Mike got his flashlight out and things just went from there. This is me showing my anger at the traffic gods. Mike wasn't moving fast enough so you can see him if you look closely.

izu shimoda light painting


Mike and I were having a great time at this point, making each other shoot flames and fireballs, etc. Take that traffic gods!

izu shimoda light painting


We gave teleportation our best shot.

izu shimoda light painting


Firing a long range blast of plasma into the back of a fleeing traffic god.

izu shimoda light painting


Then Jason and Aya joined the action as well, and we started to do group shots. Here's Mike and Aya teaming up to blast me with energy. This shot was taken on a 15 second exposure, and it's hard to believe that it was taken at night.

izu shimoda light painting


Mike and I battle it out. Either I'm getting blasted in the head, or I'm shooting energy out of my eyes now. I like the latter idea better.

izu shimoda light painting


With superior power, I slowly force Mike's energy back at him. I'm still angry at those damn traffic gods.

izu shimoda light painting

Keep an eye on Mike's site for some other cool variations, coming soon.



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