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Japangrish Part 4
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I guess even God needs clothes...
For young Japanese girls clothing stores really are God....


Do they come with a guarantee?
winning sausage
With a name like that you can't lose!


This is what they say after they cut off your ear...
Thanks but I think I'll just cut my own hair....


Does this mean it's straight out of the udder?
the milk as milked
Have to admit, it's kinda fun to say 'milk as milked'....


I always wondered where they kept stook...
stook room
McDonald's doesn't keep any stock, but they have a lot of stook....


Everybody gets off? Just what kind of games are we going to play?
everybody gets off - courtest of Brady Strachan
I'll be playing these games in private, thank you....


Before I enter I want to know what 'patorol' means...
police patorol
Just this place? The police have it pretty easy in Tokyo....


I prefer jam with my bread thanks...
eating life with bread
They might wish all the time to provide us fresh bread, but they still close at 7pm....


When you're excited and need a quick turn off...
hard off
Actually a used hardware shop, which is pretty unarousing....


white trash charms japan
Western people might be over-popular in Japan, but you don't have to be rude about it....


It's not funny...
joker of hair
It's hard to get a decent haircut in Japan....


A laxative?
first flush
Don't drink this tea before a hot date....


Quite a bold claim for a cake shop...
keep on challenging
It's good to know that the cream puff industry is so focused....


'Gross' was closed. I wonder why?
Time to invest in a dictionary guys....


A little more pride in your establishment might help...
kitchen bull
Sometimes the Japanese take the whole self criticism thing a bit too far....




Japangrish Part 1
Japangrish Part 2
Japangrish Part 3
Japangrish Part 4
Japangrish Part 5
Japangrish Part 6
Japangrish Part 7
Japangrish Part 8
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