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Food For Thought Pepsi Strong Shot
(Entered Jun. 28, 2010)
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Tiny little 190ml cans of super carbonated Pepsi hit the shelves last week covered in more warnings than a can of radioactive waste. What's the deal? Well the world's second biggest softdrink company decided to introduce us to a super carbonated version of Pepsi, with some added caffeine thrown in as a bonus. Annoyingly enough though, they refused to tell us just how much caffeine was in here.
So anyway the can warns you in no less than 5 different places to wait 15 seconds before cracking it open. Um, 15 seconds from when? Taking it out of the fridge? Walking out of the convenience store? Shaking it vigorously?
With all the warnings screaming at me to be careful, etc., etc., I naturally wanted to see what would happen when the can was given a good shake and opened without waiting 15 seconds. Who wouldn't?

pepsi strong shot

I was afraid. Would the can explode like a grenade? Wondering if I was about to lose a few fingers I gingerly opened the top after giving it a thorough shake, and...
Nothing. Well there was a small, soft, 'pop' and a bit of foam gently slid down the sides of the can. Talk about anti-climactic. This strong carbonation warning is a load of crap!

pepsi strong shot open

Tastewise it was just your standard Pepsi really, though who knows how it would've tasted with all its extra fizz intact? My experiment perhaps had the side effect of turning it into a regular, not so super carbonated Pepsi. But to be honest, I prefer softdrinks to be less carbonated, not more, so I was happy enough. Though I had been looking forward to seeing if I could belch the whole alphabet after chugging it down...


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