Canned Bread... | (Entered Aug. 28, 2008) | Sponsors: | |||||||
Ok so you've survived that massive earthquake, the raging fires, the falling rubble and glass, and you've managed to crawl out from beneath your building in one piece. Days pass and you get hungrier and hungier. You wander over to the local supermarket to forage but find that it too has been reduced to a burnt out shell. You're starving. The pigeons are the first to go, then the cats and dogs and even the crows. Finally you're down to the cockroaches but they soon learn to avoid you and suddenly there are no more animals around. You get hungry again. Then one day you're sitting around enjoying a meal of grass and roasted bark, dreaming of the days of electricity, and wishing you could have a piece of bread, even a small piece, when suddenly you can smell it! Where is it coming from!? You look around and see your neighbor opening up a can, and pulling out... a loaf of bread! How's that for a sales pitch? Not convinced? Well let's take a closer look. The canned breads came in various flavours, and the two that I bought were 'orange' and 'raisin'. There was no plain ol' white bread as far as I could tell. Maybe they need to use flavours to cover up the bad taste? This can comes with two muffin-like bread things, heavily wrapped in waxy paper. The top of the bread might look kind of tasty, but its consistency and smell was a bit strange. My first thought was not one of 'canned bread with some preservatives' but more of 'canned preservatives with a little bread thrown in'. The other can dispensed with making its bread even a little bit presentable. Ask yourself this question right now. Would you eat this thing? Did you answer 'yes'? You're a survivor. I tried hard to imagine I was eating an orange flavoured muffin, but it was difficult. Ok sure, if I was starving I'd eat it of course, but it would be a heck of a lot easier with a cup of coffee to go along with it. Now that I've eaten my survivor bread where does that leave me? If that earthquake hits tomorrow I'm going to feel pretty stupid.... Knock on wood!
Food for Thought... |