diary of mikes life

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  Found this little guy while hiking around one of those mountain temples. It wasn't really a mountain though, more like a hill. You don't often see wildlife (except crows and pigeons) in Japan so I was pleasantly surprised. I've run into a couple of fairly large frogs in some parks, but I think this is the first lizard I've ever seen over here. Note the gold body and blue tail. I wanted to get some pics of the frogs too, but Yoko has a frog phobia so she ran and I had to follow...  
  Yoko's hometown is in Niigata prefecture which is about a four hour bus ride from Tokyo, and right beside the Sea of Japan. Yoko went home for about a week to visit her family, and I tagged along as well but only for a night and a day. Mountains, rice fields, ocean, fresh air, fresh food, and all in one place. What more could you ask for? A great place to get away from Tokyo, even if only for 24 hours.  
      Lucky Me!
  Pizza... I've told you before how hard it is to find a good one in Tokyo. Well Yoko, being the chef that she is, made one for me after I asked if she was able to. Defintely one of the best pizzas I have had, easily beating Pizza Hut's 'golden cheese crust' pizza here in Tokyo, and perhaps tied with Lorenzo's in Ottawa. Those of you who know my love of Lorenzo's will understand the height of my praise. She made everything by hand, including the crust and even the tomato sauce!  
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