do as tokyo does

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  Specialized Cafes... (Entered Aug. 31, 2007)     When in Tokyo...  

It may be hard to believe, but once upon a time in Tokyo, you actually had to look around a bit before you found a cafe. Now it's easy. Just close your eyes and spin around a few times with your finger extended. If you managed not to stumble and fall on your ass, you'll find yourself pointing at a cafe or maybe even two when you open your eyes again.
Once Starbucks got the ball rolling, and starting rolling in cash, new cafes started springing up everywhere, and things eventually got out of hand (which things often tend to do in Tokyo). These days it's not enough just to be a plain ol' cafe, you either need some gimmick, or you have to cater to a specialized market.
Take the cafe below for example where the staff are extra friendly, maybe even a bit sleazy.

Ooze Charm Cafe

In a country with so few christians, it just goes to show the level of specialization entrepreneurs are willing to go to in order to make a buck. Better have your bible handy if you want to enter, or at least be prepared to quote a bit of scripture.

Bless Coffee

There are always a few people who like a little S&M with their coffee, and judging from the number of bicycles parked outside, this one is doing a roaring business. If you don't want others finding out about your fetish, it might be a good idea to have an umbrella handy as well.

Pain and Cafe

There's even a cafe only for people named 'Bob'. Hopefully one day I'll find the elusive 'Cafe Mike' that is lurking somewhere in Tokyo.

Coffee Bob

Analysts say there is no end in sight to this recent phenomenon of cafe specialization, and predict that eventually we'll all have our own cafes with our names and pictures on the wall outside. The only downside they say is that we'll be paying a couple thousand dollars per cup to keep the place running. Anyway until then I guess I'll have to be satisfied with Starbucks.




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