do as tokyo does

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  Typhoons... (Entered Oct. 10, 2004)     When in Tokyo...  

Japan's had it kind of rough with typhoons this year. Number 22 (a record) just finished pummeling Japan on Saturday and was the largest recorded typhoon in ten years. Fortunately for me, it came through Tokyo so I could finally experience a real typhoon! I've had this urge for a while now to stand out in a typhoon with no umbrella, arms upraised, you know, like in the Shawshank Redemption?... Strangely enough, everyone I've told thinks it's a dumb idea and tells me that I could get killed by flying trees and debris, etc, but I think they're exaggerating. Anyway I went to the gym for a quick workout first, but by the time I had finished, the storm was already over! Who knew typhoons were so quick? Well I managed to be outside for a bit when I was walking to the train station from work. I guess I expected it to be windier, although it sure did rain a lot, even with my large umbrella I got soaked. I tried to take some pictures, but I had to choose between taking good pictures and ruining my camera. As you can see, my camera is still working fine.

Action! Click here to see a short movie of my losing battle with the huricane. (You'll need Quicktime to view it.)




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