do as tokyo does

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  Final Fantasy Potion... (Entered Nov. 03, 2007)     When in Tokyo...  

Where are the updates? I know I know. You're all thinking that I've given up on updating the Blender but truth be told I'm a bit overloaded with other stuff at the moment. A lot of my free time is being spent on getting ready for my first art show next month! I'm a bit behind so I've been painting up a storm in order to have a decent selection of paintings to display. Time sure flies. I've had like 6 months to get ready but have kind of let my artwork page slide as you can probably tell from the lack of updates. The problem stems from the fact that if I do one painting I don't like, it pisses me off so that I feel like I don't want to paint anymore. Anyway I've got like 2 weeks left and I've already done 3 new ones so check back soon for some new artwork updates. Where is the show? Well if you're interested it will be at the Pink Cow in Shibuya. My stuff will be in the bar section for the whole month of December so if you see them let me know what you think, and hey, don't hesitate to buy one or two as well, or even all of them if you're in an adventurous mood.
In the meantime, here's an update to tide you over. 'Another beverage post again' you ask? Yeah I know I haven't done a 'real' post for a while now, but give it some time.

Anyone who's lived in Japan for a few days will have heard of the epic game Final Fantasy. Starting way back in the 1980s, it's now up to like Final Fantasy 13 or something, and shows no signs of ever stopping. I've never played myself, but I'm familiar with the role playing game scene, having played D&D when I was a kid, as well other geeky computer games like 'Ultima' and 'A Bard's Tale'. Anyway to commemorate the 10 year anniversary of Final Fantasy 7, (considered by experts in these matters to be the best version of the game), Suntory has teamed up with Square Enix to let the public try some of the various potions found in the games. Pretty exciting! The cans don't say what kind of potion is inside, but instead have various pictures of the guys and girls from Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core. What guys and girls? You know, Cloud Strife, Zack Fair and the gang. The cans were selling fast so I ended up with one with Genesis and Angeal Hewley on it. Who are they? No idea really. Unfortunately, the ones with those hot anime girls were sold out.

Final Fantasy 7 potion

On the can it boasts ingredients like royal jelly, and all the B vitamins from 1 to 12. So what kind of powers will it give me? Invisibility? Frost giant strength? Let's find out! Hmm, tastes kind of like those genki drinks you buy in the stores. Wait! ....What's happening to me!!??

Drinking Final Fantasy potion

Turns out that the potion I got lets you shoot fireballs from your hands, which may sound cool, but is actually not useful at all in real life unless you want to set someone on fire or burn down the city. I ended up sitting around holding my flaming hands out in front of me for a couple hours before it finally wore off.

hand on fire

Any cans left? Silly me, I only bought one. At 200 yen each they're selling fast and may already be sold out across the land. If you find any, please remember, with great power comes great responsibility. Try not to kill anyone or destroy important things.




Harajuku to Tokyo, Park Photowalk
Summer Chills...
Beer Shampoo!
Lucky Golden Sh*t!
Let's Breaking Things!
Bows and Arrows!
Blowers and Suckers...
Orange Picking, in the Dark...
Funky Japanese Architecture...
Freshen that Breath!
What Happened to Autumn?
Three Train Tales...
The Honeymoon is Over...
Cow Parade Tokyo!
Fire Fighting Flower!
Let's Nihongo!
Empty Subway and Train...
Pitari Sweat!
It's my Subway!
Nature - Canada vs. Tokyo
Man Spa!
Licence Plate Fun...
Apple Cleaning!
Robot Condoms...
Working Homeless...
Waterbottle Mystery...
Lineup Hell and Krispy Kreme...
Final Fantasy Potion...
Drug Diet...
How to Use a Squatter...
The BIG One...
Platform Pancakes...
Specialized Cafes...
Plant Revolution!
Street Rap...
Muscle Park!
Street Bands!
UFO Catchers...
Plastic Food...
Breathe Palette...
Bottled Air...
The Ab Project...
Genki Drinks!
Morning Market Tsukiji!
99 Yen Shop!
Japanese Dentists...
Paper Buildings...
English Teaching...
Fortune Telling...
Giant Cicadas...
Toilet Culture...
Harajuku Style...
Love Crows?
Let's Hanami!
Nature in Tokyo...
Manga for Children?
Partying Science...

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