do as tokyo does

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  Cow Parade Tokyo! (Entered Sep. 12, 2008)     When in Tokyo...  

The cows are back! This is the third time that the Cow Parade has been hosted in Tokyo. If you have walked through the Marunouchi area of Tokyo recently you'll probably have noticed them, a bunch of cows in various poses that are basically used as canvases for imaginative art. If you haven't seen them yet, you have until October 19th to do so.
Tokyo is trying, but it has yet to be taken seriously as a city where art and culture flourishes, and it shows. While walking around photographing, I never saw a single person (save myself) even glancing at them. When I was taking pictures, people looked at me, like I was something strange. Either people just see them as obstacles to get around, or they don't see them at all. Sad really.
Here are a bunch I found while on my way to, and back home, from work this morning. Apparently there are 73 total, so finding them all would mean a good deal of walking. Maybe when it isn't so hot and I'm not wearing business clothes I'll make the attempt. I've given them the names that popped into my head when looking at them.

Anime cow
cow parade tokyo


Brick and hot babe cow
cow parade tokyo


Hot air balloon cow
cow parade tokyo


Crow on cow
cow parade tokyo


Blue, green and Red Cross cow
cow parade tokyo


Cosmic cow
cow parade tokyo


Fishnet cow
cow parade tokyo


Flowery cow
cow parade tokyo


Melting cow
cow parade tokyo


Ugly pink cow
cow parade tokyo


Plain cow and Chia cow
cow parade tokyo


Police cow
cow parade tokyo


Splattered cow
cow parade tokyo


Surprised cow
cow parade tokyo


'Thing' cow
cow parade tokyo

Since I haven't seen them all it's difficult to choose a favourite, but so far I like the melting cow the best, if indeed that's what the artist was trying to portray. Somehow it just fits in with Tokyo's sickeningly hot summers. Maybe someday I'll be famous enough to get my own cow to paint!




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Partying Science...

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