do as tokyo does

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  Manga for Children? (Entered Feb. 16, 2004)     When in Tokyo...  

Comic books, known as 'Manga' in Japan, can be a fascinating look into the mind of a typical Japanese businessman. I say man because 95% of comics are geared to please the male population. Subjects cover a broad range, but two fairly common themes are how women are perceived, (or how men fantasize them to be) and lots of violence. Not unlike western comics, women always seem to have exceptionally large breats. However American comics have more strict definitions as to comics suitable for the general population and adult comics. Over here, there doesn't seem to be any boundary. General comics are full of pornography and scenes of violence that you wouldn't find in the pages of Spiderman or Batman. Children and young adults can and do regularly read this material, making you wonder what kind of morals it's giving people growing up here....





Harajuku to Tokyo, Park Photowalk
Summer Chills...
Beer Shampoo!
Lucky Golden Sh*t!
Let's Breaking Things!
Bows and Arrows!
Blowers and Suckers...
Orange Picking, in the Dark...
Funky Japanese Architecture...
Freshen that Breath!
What Happened to Autumn?
Three Train Tales...
The Honeymoon is Over...
Cow Parade Tokyo!
Fire Fighting Flower!
Let's Nihongo!
Empty Subway and Train...
Pitari Sweat!
It's my Subway!
Nature - Canada vs. Tokyo
Man Spa!
Licence Plate Fun...
Apple Cleaning!
Robot Condoms...
Working Homeless...
Waterbottle Mystery...
Lineup Hell and Krispy Kreme...
Final Fantasy Potion...
Drug Diet...
How to Use a Squatter...
The BIG One...
Platform Pancakes...
Specialized Cafes...
Plant Revolution!
Street Rap...
Muscle Park!
Street Bands!
UFO Catchers...
Plastic Food...
Breathe Palette...
Bottled Air...
The Ab Project...
Genki Drinks!
Tsukiji Morning Market!
99 Yen Shop!
Japanese Dentists...
Paper Buildings...
English Teaching...
Fortune Telling...
Giant Cicadas...
Toilet Culture...
Harajuku Style...
Love Crows?
Let's Hanami!
Nature in Tokyo...
Manga for Children?
Partying Science...


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