do as tokyo does

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  Robot Condoms... (Entered Feb. 14, 2008)     When in Tokyo...  

With more and more young guys in Tokyo spending their free time reading comic books, playing their Nintendo DS's, and shopping for 'Gundam' products in Akihabara, condom manufacturer's profit margins have taken a serious beating. A recent poll taken in Akihabara of 20-30 year olds revealed that not only have most of them never had sex, but a lot of them didn't even know what it was.
'Sex?' One young man asked with a confused look, 'I might have heard of it. Is it a new role-playing game?'
In an effort to boost sales, some condom manufacturers have come out with some new package designs with the idea of showing these guys that sex can be just as fun as playing 'Monster Hunter' on their PSPs.

robot condoms

Condom manufacturers are hopeful that if the anime-obsessed youths of today see that robots are having sex, they'll want to emulate their heroes. Each box has a different hero robot with an erect phallus, and a name like MSEX-066. It's not clear though whether the question 'Can you survive?' written on the top right refers to failing to survive by never passing on your genes, or to getting blown up by a penis shaped gun in a deep space battle, but either way it imparts a feeling of challenge and adventure.
'If sex is marketed as a game, where you have to gain experience points, pass levels, you know, getting to first, second base, stuff like that, then maybe we'll see some improvement in sales', remarked a senior manager of one of the larger condom companies.




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